Dr- Brian Williams Governmental Procurement

Dr. Brian Williams Governmental Solutions Assembles at the West Michigan Public Purchasing Alliance

Dr. Brian Williams President of BC Market Solutions meets with local West Michigan Public Purchasing Alliance and local PTAC agent Sheila Kreason.

Dr. Brian Williams President of BC Market Solutions meets with local West Michigan Public Purchasing Alliance and local PTAC agent Sheila Kreason.

Dr. Brian Williams meets with local and state purchasing agents within the West Michigan Public Purchasing Alliance.

His professional meeting concluded with his local PTAC agent Sheila Kreason from Muskegon as she pointed out the benefits of leveraging his Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) 10% preference with dealing with states procurement.  Casey DuBois who is a local business developer helped BC Market Solutions to establishing the networking process within his local area.

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Dr. Brian Williams stands with Sheila Edmondson, Venessa Kadiri and J. Milton Goodman manager of the Dept of Small & Local Business Development.

Dr. Brian Williams stands with Sheila Edmondson, Venessa Kadiri and J. Milton Goodman manager of the Dept of Small & Local Business Development.

Dr. Brian Williams President of BC Market Solutions a SDVOSB with CVE certification meets on Capitol Hill in Washington DC with the Department of Small & Local Business Development (DSLBD) and DC PTAC to enhance his position within the governmental procurement process.  Dr. Williams states “it is vital to understand the requirements needed to be successful within this industry as you become a valuable asset to the largest purchasing agency in the world.  It is the support of our local PTAC agents and offices like the DSLBD who make it possible for Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses to gain ground as they leverage their set aside preference to the Federal Government."

Currently BC Market Solutions is a qualified supplier to over 77 Federal, State and local agency.   Dr. Brian Williams success is contributed to his local agent Sheila Kreason and PTAC office located in Muskegon Michigan.