
In the medical sector, we focus on medical equipment supply and distribution to the practitioner and hospital direct markets in addition to the medical infrastructure and OR design.  The management team of BC Market Solutions managed the design, planning, and constructions of the FOB Airborne Medical Treatment Facility, Afghanistan for JFC Brunssum, NATO, the Baghdad Evacuation Field Hospital, Iraq for USCENTCOM, and the Pasteur Polyclinic OR and ICU renovation in Bamako Mali, and the National Hospital OR renovation in Niamey, Niger for USEUCOM on time and under budget using our skilled methodologies and best practice approach models. 

Our professional services include:

  • Medical device and equipment
  • Equipment planning
  • Functional lab services
  • Medical equipment management
  • Consulting
  • Cost-effective planning
  • Direct distribution approach to  licensed health care practitioner and hospitals throughout the health care industries